
Hop On Board: 2 must have tools for Local Businesses

Lily Tomlin once said: “The road to Success is always under construction”.

So never forget your goals, never stop aiming high, even higher than you would ever dare.

40 years ago, the idea of e-commerce emerged, and the race started towards gaining national and international visibility. But it was large businesses that joined at the beginning. With time things became easier and e-commerce became the new reality. Slowly small businesses entered the game. But not everyone did so, especially local businesses and more specifically those in developing or third-world Nations.

Today and after the Covid pandemic almost everything shifted towards online presence, no matter how small the business scale is.

From where we stand, there is no going back, it’s hopping on that train or staying behind! No other options are viable.


Don’t get overwhelmed! It’s as easy as eating a piece of cake, you just need to follow these 2 simple steps:

1- Social Media

We can no longer underestimate the power of social media. It is your magic wand in the present and the future. Social media platforms help increase your brand awareness; it is the very specific place where you can target potential customers for you local businesses. You can build your brand’s awareness by partnering with influencers that can help you build your brand’s credibility and therefore influence consumers decisions. Another way would be to promote your content on various channels.

As the number of social media users is constantly growing, the positive impact that it might have on your business is worth investing in. It will be a new way to boost your sales, as it will help you fetch your potential audience, and make your products and services available and accessible wherever and whenever you decide, and that is efficient for your business. Many social media platforms are available, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and you can choose the one that serves your business the most

So, whether you plan on mastering social media or handing the job over to a third party,

today social media is a must.

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2- Think-Ahead

Always think-ahead! Every step you take needs thinking, every feedback you get is worth thinking of. Think of what your customers need, what they want and what they expect from you. Try hard to learn as much as you can about your customers because this is what will guide you through your business decisions. Focus on your customers experience and adapt accordingly, while keeping in mind that people expect you to practice social customer care, so tackle this facet with caution. Think of what’s next or what could you bring more, as strategical thinking is what will make you unique. The challenges you take are what will make your product or service special, sometimes risk taking is crucial to progress. Always think of investing in yourself and your business. Just don’t stagnate!


One last thing before you go!

Join the race, invest in social media and think-ahead.

Remember there will always be the first step and then the other small steps and there you go; you can look back to your beautiful achievements and admire them.

PS: Don’t forget to Support local businesses yourself!


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    • We always tend to invest in social without thinking strategically and we forget to how important customer centric strategies are.
  1. Social media revealed many hidden gems we didn’t know existed in lebanon before the pandemic.
    • It is true, but why not give chances for local when all you need is available locally
  2. I love local but sometimes I get so disappointed from the quality. One should really be very transparent
    • Quality is something we all look for. So many businesses are doing great. You might also find bad quality in global
  3. When you shop locally you are helping hometown heroes support their families. enjoyed reading your blog dear Sandra!
    • Sometimes cheap prices are due to bulk quantities. On should take into consideration all factors. Things like homemade or handmade products are really worth every penny
  4. We all run local businesses no matter how small it is or at least know a relative that have one!!
    • You are right, it isn't always easy and that's why we have many freelancers or local companies out there that could help us out.
  5. Lebanese mind set is a little attached to global so convincing people to support local might be challenging
    • True. Sometimes it takes time to convince people to buy local but we can at least try. We hope little by little it will become a habit!
  6. But social media can be so overwhelming sometimes . Not a very easy tool for everyone
    • Sure, it isn't easy all the time! Let us know if you need any help and we will be happy to assist you!
    • Indeed! We tend to underestimate the power that local businesses have on our economy
    • Sadly true, but there is still so many options available for free on social media. You don't always need to pay for boosts or complicated visuals. A beautiful product or service along with social media basics is enough to make a difference.
    • Supporting local is what we should be doing, I really hope people will get used to doing so! Thank you
    • Unfortunately not, but we can all help as much as we can starting by buying local!
    • One might not be able to compete from the beginning but might with time be able to expand and enter larger markets
  7. We all had this one local shop in the neighborhood that we never visited, but that should change we need to be aware of how important supporting local is
    • What you said is so true! We used to ignore local businesses and underestimate the power they have on our economy
  8. Totally agree hoping one day every local business will be able to expand Thank you introducing me to Watani! very interesting didn't know such a beautiful initiative existed
    • We all hope so!! We already witnessed the expansion of many local businesses at it feels great! Watani has a great variety, you can find so many things out there from personal care to home accessories!
  9. it's all about social media now. One cannot compete without it anymore. Bitter sweet reality
    • True, it's very hard to be part of the competitive market without social media.
    • We tend to think about social and forget all about planning and being persistent
  10. Our new reality! It’s either get on board as you said or the business will lag behind. So true!
    • Being uptodate is essential and key, we need to accept this new virtual life and join the race
  11. Social media is essential these days, local need to implement this tool to be able to survive especially with our shift to online shopping
    • Everything shifted and we all need to adapt, there is no way back we have to invest in social and plan for everything!

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