
INTERVIEW: Oils of Nature – Noha Hanna Hajj

INTERVIEW Oils of Nature

Meet Noha Hanna Hajj, the founder and CEO of KV Med SARL, which represents Oils Of Nature.

She is at the top of her game in the art of distillation. Her journey started as a passion but it quickly turned into a business opportunity.

In the following Interview: Oils of Nature, Noha shares how she started her business, the challenges she faces as a woman in the business world, and her future plans. 


Question 1:
What makes Oils of Nature unique?



The purest and most powerful extracts from flowers, plants and herbs are natural treasures for me. In the past, civilizations used the extracts for cosmetics as well as for medicinal purposes. 

At Oils of Nature, we explore those health and beauty secrets to create the groundbreaking natural products that make you look and feel incredible. 

For health and healing, and practical uses to replace harmful chemicals in the home, our products are truly amazing. 

Question 2:
As a businesswoman, what was the first lesson you learned entering the market?



As a female entrepreneur in a male-dominated industry, earning respect has been a struggle! To run a business and be a woman in our world is unnerving.
Most female business owners have faced barriers and obstacles on their journey, starting with defying social expectation. Since we are living in male dominated society, in this sort of situation, women may feel as though they need to adopt a stereotypically “male” attitude toward business: competitive, aggressive and sometimes overly harsh. But successful female CEOs believe that remaining true to yourself and finding your own voice are the keys to rising above preconceived expectations. Another issue I found challenging is struggling to be taken seriously, just like other women entrepreneurs in a male dominated industry or workplace that does not want to acknowledge their leadership role. This led to having difficulties maintaining a support network. Running the business, it is crucial to blaze your own path and facilitate the introductions and connections into some of the more elite business networks.

Furthermore, I always have fear of failure. Any business can experience failure and should not be viewed as a negative or an excuse for relinquishing your goals. But what I taught to myself is to not let the insecurities deprive me to accomplish my dream. I do encourage every woman to work through the moments of self-doubt and not wait for perfection before starting their business or taking on a big promotion.

Question 3:
If there is one thing your company wants their clients to do, what is that?



We encourage everyone to just go outside and discover what nature has to offer. You will be surprised.

Question 4:
Are you planning on expanding Oils of Nature?



Besides local awareness and enhancing the culture of natural oils, indeed, we aim to introduce Oils of Nature in international markets and launching new products soon. Our expansion actually started by joining watani.store.

Question 5:
What is the best advice you can give to Lebanese business owners?



Don’t lose the passion you have in your work.

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