Lebanese-Made Products: Quality and Affordability

Despite its many inconveniences, the Lebanese economic crisis has taught Lebanese citizens that local products are as good as the imported ones and sometimes even better. We all had the prejudice that Lebanese products were either untrustworthy or made with low-quality ingredients.

However, since the beginning of the crisis and the consequent decrease in purchasing power, we all have been looking for local or cheaper alternatives to replace the imported products we used to buy without even thinking much about the price. Unconsciously, we have been encouraging local industries for about 2 years now while spending less. It’s a win-win situation, isn’t it?


We all know the big Lebanese industrial names such as Sanita, Mimosa, Master, Plein Soleil and many others. We have been buying their products for years now, but we haven’t noticed some of their products up until recently, not to mention that the manufacturers, themselves, have also been widening their range of products to satisfy the need of the locals unable to buy imported products anymore.

Some new local brands, however, have emerged or were noticed after the economic crisis; such as Mum’s chips, Del Libano or Lexy. Let me tell you a bit about each of these local brands.


“Mum’s chips” is a brand I recently discovered. I ironically owe this discovery to my doctor who forced me on a no-sugar no-carbs diet. I was looking everywhere for snacks I could eat while on such a strict diet, in vain. Then I saw these baked apple chips in a supermarket. There were many flavors: the original red apple, the original green apple, crispy apple with cinnamon and crispy apple with thyme. I can confirm their taste and crispiness. My favorite is the one with cinnamon, but I liked all their flavors. My first thought when I bought them for the first time was: “What a smart and practical way to make use of the thousands of kilos of apples going to waste every year in Lebanon.”


“Del Libano” is a newly created pasta brand. I accidentally learned about it through a video sent to me on WhatsApp. I haven’t tried it yet, but I imagine it is as tasty as imported pasta brands. This pasta brand is 100% Lebanese from cultivation to packaging which portrays a Lebanese cedar.


“Lexy” is a nail polish brand. Although I have been using it for a while and really liked it, I didn’t know it was a Lebanese brand until recently. I like the variety of colors they offer. Its brush is thick and easy to handle when applying nail polish and most importantly, for me at least, it lasts for more than 2 days on my nails.


At last, I feel like this major economic crisis in Lebanon has encouraged locals to buy Lebanese-made products and has taught us that such products are worthy of our trust. We have to admit that Lebanese products are real competitors of imported products: they are of good quality, affordable and less pricey.

Let’s grant Lebanese industries our trust. Let’s encourage and help them reach foreign markets. Even though our country is unable to give us much right now, this is the least we can do to help it get back on its feet.

To support these local businesses, shop here:


  1. I truly loved the way you have shared your idea and the way you support local news Keep going!!
  2. Love it yolanda! For me too, I recently discovered that Lexy is a Lebanese brand even though I use this brand very much. It lasts for more than 4 days on my nails!
  3. I truly loved your article! From the way you wrote it to, to the shops you named and encouraged everything is so well coordinated!
  4. Very interesting! Thank you Yolanda for sharing! I'm allergic to gluten, I used to buy expensive exported snacks, will definitely try mum's chips.. Will be waiting for new Lebanese products in your next article ;)
  5. I don't know why, but this article made me feel home. Being an expat and seeing what is going in my country is so hard; seeing all those growing Lebanese businesses and the quality they are providing as well as the support people are providing is heartwarming. I wish you can discuss some of the exported Lebanese products during a future article; I would be interested to know which ones are available; maybe we can support from abroad as well.. Thank you for this article :)
    • Will do definitely!!! Thank you for your comment and your will to support local businesses
  6. Great job Yolanda, I loved how you mentioned a small business, a new local one, and a well-known brand that we always assumed was not Lebanese.
  7. Proud to be Lebanese after reading this post! Well thanks dear Yolanda for introducing us to local businesses that are as good as imported ones. Supporting our home no matter what!
  8. Loved reading your article! Very unique! I also recently purchased "Lexy" and loved it! But it's not until you mentioned it that I knew it's a Lebanese brand. So thank you for sharing!!
  9. Your article is very interesting. Made me realize Lebanese brands can show great quality too if given a chance.
  10. I think yes it’s a win-win situation that helped us discover new local brands. Thank you for sharing your ideas !

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