Live Love Local

In the world we live in today, smaller and local businesses count on us to keep their heads above water.

For decades, local Lebanese businesses have been the backbone of our communities. But, because of everything that has happened since 2020, and without the usual droves of customers to cover rent, salaries and bills, our favorite local shops, services and restaurants run the risk of staying closed for good. But that doesn’t mean their situation is totally hopeless. It’s now up to us to help them out.

“But how do I support local businesses?” You may ask. Don’t worry, I got you covered.

Tips to Support Local Businesses

Be a trendsetter and spread the word

While retailers can be savvy when it comes to selling, many don’t fully understand that social media plays a major role in today’s “new normal”. Support doesn’t always have to be monetary. Word of mouth can be just as effective, if not more. So share their social media page with your friends and don’t forget to tag them. Why not start spreading the word today? If nothing else, it will tell these small business owners that you are there for them. After all, you never know how far a little gesture may go.

Be kind and leave a nice review

A great reputation often take years to build. However, the few minutes you take to write a genuine and positive comment about local businesses may just be the push that leads more customers to their doorstep. Not only will your kind words increase the business’ online visibility, but it’ll also serve as moral support to the self-employed small business owners who rely solely on themselves to maintain their primary source of income.

Be loyal, buy local

Even as they try to attract new customers, small businesses rely heavily on regular ones. While they don’t always have what you need or aren’t able to deliver as cheaply as large corporations, each dollar spent goes directly to your community. And trust that they try their best to provide quality and professional services; so why not offer them your loyalty in return? Who knows, you might get something out of it in the future.

Be a neighbor, not just a customer

Although you may only know each other within a professional setting, small businesses are ultimately run by people who are most likely riding the same rollercoaster as you. In these uncertain and trying times, remember to extend a helping hand to businesses owners as not just a customer, but as a caring neighbor. Look out for each other and offer to help wherever you can.

Small but Mighty!

In the end, local business owners put their heart and soul into their work. Mass-manufactured products are simply generic. Take pride in where you’re from and what that place has to offer. After all, variety (and uniqueness) are the spices of life.

Supporting local Lebanese businesses, encouraging young entrepreneurs, helping the economy, and being kind to one another would mean the world. It would mean regular people, like you and me, rebuilding Beirut one small business at a time.

And hey, if you’re a looking for a place to start browsing, I highly recommend checking out “Watani”. There, you’ll find a wide range of authentic Lebanese products that are guaranteed to brighten up your day. Click below to visit.

Still here? Well, I’m glad you are because it means I get to promote the businesses I’m currently in obsessed with. To my fellow art, stationary and cocktail enthusiasts, I hope this vibes with you. Go show them some love; they deserve it!


  1. A very interesting article! It’s very informative and gives us a good idea on how small business work in Lebanon.

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