Local Businesses: Get Ready, Set, Shop!

How to Support Local Businesses? 

Prior to discovering how to support local businesses, one should know why it is important to support them. Local businesses encourage taking risks in initiating startups and foster an entrepreneurial mindset. Moreover, they give back to their community as they provide more job offers and help in increasing the national economy. Finally, they are safer and better for the environment because they are usually small, thus use less substances that are harmful to our ecosystems. 

Now that we know the importance of local businesses and the importance of their contribution to our community, it is imperative to support them for them to be able to flourish and in their turn aid other local companies. How do we do so? 

Here are three tips on how to help:

1.    Shed light on local businesses through social media:

We live in a digital era, so why not make the best use out of it? We all have at least one social media platform, whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. All we need to do is grant one local business of our choice 5 minutes tops a day. This number is negligible compared to the amount of time we spend daily on our phones. We could share the account of the local business on our stories, promote its products through a post or a tweet, we could even launch a hashtag, etc.

2.    Buy gifts from local businesses:

We should normalize buying presents from local shops. A good gift isn’t just bought in a fancy or mainstream store. It doesn’t have to be a well-known or popular place. Dare to stand out, dare to be unique! 

2.    Volunteer:

Allocate one day a month in which you and a bunch of your friends help out any local business. If you have a busy schedule, you can set a yearly goal which could be to assist 5 local shops or to donate to them instead. 

There is no right or wrong way to help. However, the only wrong thing would be to not do anything at all and to tell yourself that your help alone won’t make a change. It will and it is necessary for these local businesses to make it. It is our duty as locals to help the shops in our community. In case you have no idea where to start, we got you covered. Here’s a list of some local business: 



What are you waiting for? Get ready, set, shop local!


  1. The pandemic has already decimated small businesses while big tech and the rich have simply gotten richer.Thanks for sharing dear Tracy!

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