Anti-Split Hardener – Lexy

$ 11.08

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Unifies and strengthens


Get together with the long and hard nails you deserve. Healing ancestral oils will deeply hydrate your nails, harden their core and treat their splits.


For best results, use every other day as a base coat for 2 to 4 weeks and once a week thereafter. Apply a top coat for additional benefits.

CompareSold By: Lexy Cosmetics

The Anti-Split Hardener nail care product by Lexy Cosmetics protects your nails and strengthens them.

Weak nails need a lot of care to ensure that they harden and do not split. Treat your brittle, fragile, and splitting nails and strengthen their structure.

You can tell if your nails are weak from them easily breaking, bending, and splitting whenever they touch anything or you touch them.

Lexy Cosmetic’s Anti-Split Hardener is perfect if you are looking for strong, anti-bending, and anti-split nails. This product ensures that your nails do not easily bend nor split and guarantees an extra look of healthiness you have never seen before.

It unified and strengthens the nails, making them grow longer and harder.

It is perfectly safe to use and has no harmful chemicals.

It is most advised for you to use it as a base coat for two to four weeks and then once every week. For additional benefits, apply top coat.

For best results, use every other day as a base coat for two weeks. Apply it as a topcoat for additional benefits.

Read what bloggers are saying about Lexy Nail Couture.

Lexy nail Couture will provide your nails with a tailored solution to their problems, bringing you the perfect tailored treatment for your nails.

Looking for more nail care products, check out more products from Lexy Cosmetics.

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