Petaled Bar Rose Bouquet Creamy Body Scrub

$ 15.00

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A luxurious blend of cane sugar, grapeseed oil, almond oil and shea butter that gently exfoliate while nourishing and hydrating your skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and refreshed. Scented with Rose Bouquet.

Ingredient List
Sugar, Sweet Almond Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Shea Butter, Lavender Oil (1%),

CompareSold By: Petaled Bar

WARNING Prevent using it during pregnancy, period time, and if there is any blood or pressure problems since lavender oil improve blood circulation.

Benefits + Key Ingredients.
Shea Butter: “Mother Nature’s Conditioner” is a nickname that shea butter has earned for its exceptional moisturizing and softening properties. Gentle enough for the most sensitive skin, shea butter nourishes skin, is known to help with dryness, blemishes, dark spots, discolorations, stretch marks, and wrinkles without clogging pores.
Sweet Almond Oil is rich in vitamin D, vitamin E, and various minerals that help soothe the skin from irritation, protect the skin from UV radiation damage and restore the skin’s moisture barrier.
Grapeseed Oil is easily absorbed into the skin to deliver intense moisture without irritation, leaving an oily residue, or clogging pores.
Lavender essential oil has powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant properties which help to kill bacteria, unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and can prevent damage to the skin cells and heal acne breakouts.
The Routine
Gently massage into wet skin to exfoliate and to leave your skin soft, smooth, and moisturized.
Packaged in a 300gram eco-friendly and reusable glass jar.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 7.5 cm
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