Support Local Businesses in Lebanon!

Support local businesses in Lebanon!

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The combination of businesses being required to temporarily shut down and people staying home has caused small local businesses to suffer, after a year on from the blast that devastated large parts of Beirut and many were already struggling to survive due to COVID-19 anti-infection measures and the ongoing economic and political crisis in the country.

Some of this businesses will be temporary, but some owners will be forced to shut down for good so we should work to help small businesses across the Lebanese capital affected by the explosion.


Why support local?

Local business is essential for our economy, they bring growth and innovation to our communities. Relationships between small businesses are important in creating a cohesive, welcoming community identity, with businesses supporting each other. Shopping locally can revitalize the monetary cycle in specific areas of the business since such businesses are more likely to keep the money flowing. To add, local businesses probably hire people from their community which helps increase employment, especially when many huge ones are shutting down due to bankruptcy. Local businesses are usually also eco-friendlier, and they’re also pocket-friendly. On another note, supporting and helping others boosts self-esteem, spreads goodness, and makes you feel better. Buying local is done for a good cause because people behind those businesses are trying to pursue their education or providing for their families.

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"Ways of support"

  1.  Share local restaurant delivery menus on social media pages.
  2. Consider small before the big businesses.
  3.    Tell the others about a small business you love.
  4.  Comment something nice on their post, it can be words of encouragement, a reply to their product, or even a nice hello.
  5. Tag friends, you never know who may be in the shopping mood.
  6.   Fixing the shops after the explosion.
  7.  Co- designing solutions through coaching sessions.
  8. Forging relationships with entities.

Now that you know why you should shop small businesses and how to
support the small business stores and other local options around you, you can begin your part to help these local shops such as Black Eye
coffee shop
, I Shop Rural, Emm Tarek, AverageFish towards supporting Lebanon rise again.

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