Local Comes First: How to Support Local Businesses Effortlessly

Local businesses are the lifeblood of our country. They are the booster of our economy and we have to be aware that supporting them will make our community better. In times of crisis more than ever, local businesses need our support as much as our economy needs them.

5 stars to local businesses!

4 Tips on How to Support Local Businesses Effortlessly

1. Give them support on social media

When you like or follow local companies on social media, you help them reach a wider audience and, hopefully, generate more revenue. Likes, shares, and comments might help them gain a lot of attention online. Hence, your participation will increase their pages’ activity, which may entice new customers.

2. Leave reviews

Consider submitting a review on a small business’s page if you’ve already gotten in touch with them and had a good experience. Positive reviews bring social legitimacy to a brand’s product or service and can persuade other potential customers to make a purchase.

3. Give local businesses social media shoutouts

With a few major differences, a social media shoutout is comparable to a review. Reviews concentrate on precise features and are frequently used to list a product or a company’s page. However, a shoutout can contain personal touches and more emotions.

This is not unique to influencers; you can do it just for being their customer. Recommending a product or service on their own social media effortlessly provides traffic and engagement for the business.

4. Recommend local shops to your circles

We sometimes give feedback on social media and forget to tell our friends and family about the good experience we had. Encourage individuals in your circle to support small businesses rather than just give them a shoutout. This is a more effective strategy to bring in new customers. For instance, if you have a friend seeking local gift ideas, let them know the businesses you had a good experience with.

Support your local shop, support your community


You can choose whether you purchase from local companies or global ones. However, when you support small businesses, you are even strengthening your country’s economy and helping create more jobs.


If you are a local business owner, do not hesitate to become a vendor on Watani or contact them for more information. Watani will help you reach more clients and market your products!


  1. I do agree that Local businesses are the lifeblood of our country and a boost for the economy!

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