Local equals Love


Local equals love ! How exactly ? 

Everyone around the world claims Covid-19 has drastically changed our lives. However, for the Lebanese people, Covid-19 happened among other catastrophes that have not only changed our lives, but also turned them upside down. Our focus shifted, our priorities changed and our mindset evolved. However, no matter where we are, one thing remains the same: our need to buy. To purchase. To consume. So, it’s up to us to give a helping hand while also benefiting from locally-made goods. It’s our responsibility to support local. Because, again, local equals love !  

What is a local business?

By definition, a local business is a company (whether big or small) that provides good or services to a local population.

Today, social media has been an indispensable tool in the promotion of local businesses. Through the hashtags, the pages and the reposts, it has helped thousands of small business owners get traffic and thus, increase their numbers.

Some websites have also taken it to the next level ; for example, Watani gathers some Lebanese businesses in one place, making it easier for the shopper to choose from a large selection of products and services. That way, Watani takes Lebanese products to you. Delivery is also available !  

But, one cannot forget that some small businesses do not have the luxury of social media or its uses and simply rely on the process of word of mouth. In fact, small businesses go beyond the shops we see on the internet; it’s the small bakeries, the modest clothes stores in every corner, little bookshops that have been here before we were even born, the barber shop down the street, etc.

Why should you support local? 

Technically speaking, it’s essential for the economy. Supporting local not only benefits the seller but it’s advantageous for the whole chain; from the manufacturer, the trader, etc.

Humanly speaking, it creates some sense of belonging to a community that is mutually benefiting. Also, the customer service is always impeccable. It’s their own blood, sweat and tears, remember? 

Today in Lebanon, supporting local is easy and within reach. How exactly? 

It’s easier than it looks. For the local businesses you find online, a simple button does it for you. As for the other, it’s simple. Walk into the coffee shop down the street and order something to eat or drink. Visit the bookstore in your neighborhood and purchase the book you’ve always wanted to read. Go to your closest seamstress and get the shirt you’ve seen online done. 

Small acts go a long way!

What would it change? 

Technically speaking, you’re helping boost the local economy. By doing that simple act, you’re sustaining jobs and ultimately helping a family get food on their tables. Again, small acts go a long way. Last but not least, you’re making someone happy. And if that by itself is not enough of a reason, then I don’t know what is. 

Support local…Spread love ! 


  1. The pictures got my attention! they're so nice. and the article is something else! Great job Romy :3
  2. It was a pleasure reading your blog!! Love your smooth and touching writing. Persuasive blog to start shopping local

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